Our Mission

Ghosts and Spirits Paranormal Society (GASPS) is a small group of close knit paranormal enthusiasts who investigate suspected paranormal activity using an objective and practical point of view. Our investigative mission is firmly rooted in helping those who have experienced, or are currently experiencing paranormal activity, to identify, understand, and cope in a personal way with their specific paranormal encounter(s).
In addition to using modern paranormal investigative equipment we are privileged to have several very talented Spiritual Mediums on our team. Together we seek to identify and determine exactly what type of spiritual activity the client may be experiencing, and then help them to find practical solutions for dealing with the suspected paranormal activity. If we are unable to help with the situation we make every effort to find someone who can resolve the problem.
The first response we normally get from a client is, "You are going to think I am crazy!" We don’t. As team members of 'GASPS' we each have had our own personal experiences with the paranormal and spirit. We understand that it may be difficult to reach out and ask for help for fear of being ridiculed or dismissed. We never dismiss what we hear, and we will always treat our clients with respect and compassion. Our services are provided free of charge to our clients, and all investigations are confidential. Any information regarding an investigation will not be posted on our site without prior consent.

Photo Evidence

figure in mirror

figure in mirror (zoomed in)

Strange figure in reflection.

Blue orb captured in closet of private residence

private house. Orb on floorboard

Note change of position on plank from first picture

Video Evidence

I felt that there was a spirit around so I decided to see if I could get it on video.

Spirit interacting with the K-2 meter.

Spirit sitting on the microwave


Janie Come See

Received in a house investigation. No other female present. "Janie come see" near the 0:14 seconds mark.



Oh God

Oh God

You're welcome.

Response received using SCD1. "You're welcome."

It's flashing

Response to request to speak into the recorder. "It's flashing"


Cedar Grove Plantation Vicksburg. Evidently she didn't want to be called Elizabeth and replied with "Liz".

Don't light this up.

Private residence in Louisiana. "Don't light this up."

Who's afraid?

Private residence in Louisiana. "Who's afraid." Found an evil demonic presence in home.

Let me look

Private residence in Slidell, Louisiana "Let me Look."

Show off

Private residence. "I'm a show off"

Don't play around

Recorded at a private residence. "don't play around with (satan)?"

Not a Lincoln fan

Captured at Antietam on SCD1 (warning explicit) Are you a fan of Lincoln? "No! No! F**k him!"

In the groin

Captured in Gettysburg using SCD1. Responding to the question, "Did you kill anyone?" "4 men shot in the groin."

Did you know you were going to die?

Captured at Gettysburg with SCD1. Did you know you were going to die? "....yes"

Listen to me

Captured at Gettysburg with SCD1. "Listen to me"

What is in there?

Private residence. "What is in there?"

Stay or go

"Stay" after question asked. Guaranty Bank Building in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

I used to draw money from here

"I used to draw money from here." Recorded at the Guaranty Bank in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Evil spirits that were using a mirror as a portal. "Make him scream."

We're not saying nothing

Possible demonic spirits that were using a mirror as a portal. "We're not saying nothing!"

You're the one.

Possible demonic spirits that were using a mirror as a portal. "You're the one."

Listen, I hate you!

"Listen, I hate you!" Captured in a home with suspected incubus and succubus.

I hate them.

"I hate them. You listen to everything." Captured in home in New Iberia, Louisiana.

I hate them. You listen to everything

"I hate them. You listen to everything"

Mad at you

Private residence. Answer in response to 'Are you happy here with us '. I am mad at you.

I'll take Possession

EVP captured immediately proceeding a possession in a private residence in Gonzalez LA. "I'll take possession"

"Oh God"

What's that device? (video)

Caught at one of the team's mediums house.


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The evil spirit is gone! We were all able to work as a team to get it to leave and crossover to the light. My house is now filled with peace, love, and tranquility. Thank you to the members of G.A.S.P.S. who came to help us resolve our problem.



Is your house haunted?

There are several different types of haunting you may be experiencing. Is there really something going on? Occam’s Razor is a principle of philosophy. Occam's razor simply states that of any given set of explanations for an event occurring, the simplest one is most likely the correct one. Everyone should use this philosophy to debunk the idea that there is a haunting. Being skeptical is your first step.

Types of Haunting:
  • 1. Residual activity

    A residual haunting is like a record or movie acted out time after time . The scene simply plays out over and over again without any interaction with people observing it. Sometimes energy just leaves it’s mark, much like radiation can be detected years after the initial exposure. Residual hauntings have no interaction with the present and never change. Footsteps are most often a sign of residual activity. Usually they occur at the same time of day or same time of year and never vary.

  • 2. Poltergeist activity

    Poltergeist comes from the German word meaning’ knocking spirit’. It entails unexplained noises and banging. It can progress to cabinet doors being opened, furniture moving and lights being turned off and on. Water faucets can also be turned on and off. The house should be checked for faulty light switches or loose bulbs and any electrical problem ruled out. Any issue with plumbing should be ruled out. Are doors secure or are they easily opened or shut with little difficulty. Older homes will often creak and settle with any changes in the weather and temperature.

  • 3. Scratching and bruising

    Most scratches and bruises seem to appear upon waking. Demonic activity is usually the first thing to blame but that is not always the case. Different causes should be eliminated. Could the person scratched have possibly inflicted the scratches themselves? Are they in a place where the person cannot possible scratch or bruise themselves? Are animals sleeping in the same bed and possibly be responsible? Do the scratches spell out any obvious letters or words?

  • 4. Apparitions

    Sometimes hauntings manifest by appearing as apparitions. Apparitions are usually residual and don’t pose any threat. First any light reflections from passing cars or other possible causes should be eliminated. Does the apparition take place in a window or mirror? Could it just be a reflection of a living person . Does the apparition seem to take notice of you or react in any way?

  • 5. Orbs

    Most orbs are dust. Take note as to whether they move in an unusual motion. Observe as to whether or not they are a different color or glow. Were they captured using film? Most orbs were non-existent before the use of digital cameras.

  • 6. Possession

    Possession is a very rare occurrence and normally takes a trained doctor to determine. The signs of demonic possession and mental illness are often one and the same. Is there any indication of any possible mental illness that has previously been exhibited? Is there a presence of drugs, both prescribed and recreational that could be a factor. Does the ’possessed’ have an aversion to any religious type of interaction?

  • If you pay close attention to the above items you can a lot of times determine whether you do indeed have a true haunting at your home.

Contact us

  • Please use this form to request an investigation.
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